Repubblica di Genova - République de Gênes
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Lasciapassare per Docjohnson

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Lasciapassare per Docjohnson Empty Lasciapassare per Docjohnson

Messaggio Da Ospite Ven Gen 08, 2010 6:56 pm

Hello Tanissa,

I'm in Allessandria right now and I want to enter Genova the day after tomorrow ((I'm travelling from sat 01/09/ to sun 01/10 to Genova)).
I'm travelling alone and I'll take the direct way to Massa. I'll stop in Genova, on the junction between Chiavari and Spezia and will then reach Massa on the 12th of january.
I hope you have now any information you needed. If theres anything more to answer, something I might have forgotten, just write, I'll get back as soon as possible.



Pass granted for

entry in Genova -> January, 10 >>> junction between Chiavari and Spezia -> January 11 >>> reach Massa -> january 12

Lasciapassare concesso per

arrivo a Genova il 10 gennaio
arrivo al nodo fra chiavari e La spezia l'11 gennaio
arrivo a Massa il 12 gennaio.


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